
Why I Still Use Emacs :engineering:emacs:

The Ergonomics Bug My Emacs journey began with one simple desire; to make ergonomics a first-class citizen in my work day. It didn’t start with Emacs, though, it started with some changes to my workspace like a better chair, a split keyboard, and a better mouse. As the ergonomics rabbit hole got deeper, I continued finding new ways to tweak my setup for better health and more productivity. I can’t remember where it was, but I came across a discussion where someone was praising the value of “Spacemacs”, a text editor which is based on Emacs and prioritizes ergonomics and ease of use.

On software longevity

tags: engineering Sometimes I wish I could go back and see where all of my old code has gone. Surely some of it has been discarded. Some is likely in Github limbo, sitting in a repository with an ancient last commit timestamp. After a decade in the industry, though, there must be teams out there who have the displeasure of working with code I wrote years ago. I’ve ideated with a mental model for thinking about the short, medium, and long-term scales of aging software; 3 days, 3 months, and 3 years.